It was an off night from the kids so I took advantage of it to do some things on my own. I took the Mach6 into Grail Cycle and Skate to try and get the Fox seat post dropper serviced by Josh and his crew. I don’t have many miles on this bike, but it already has issues with getting stuck. Josh said Fox had a bad run on them and he hopes Fox will warranty it. With that bike in the shop I pulled out the Ripley and lubed it up for some adventures. The seat post on that bike worked without issue! Surprised by that.

With the Ripley dusted off I used it as an opportunity to take it out for a spin tonight. I landed at the Ballard trail, I hate this trail, I always get lost on it. This time was no exception. It is poorly marked with little blue dots on the ground that you have to follow. I hate it! Yet I’ll continue to try and follow them until I master it. Damn blue dots!

On the way home from the ride I decided to take some time and hit Montes for some fishing. Or I guess what turned out to me just practicing how to cast. I caught nothing, not even a bite. It has been like this for the last two weeks. All in all I still had a good time.

Here are a few random shots from the night.

I realized when taking these pictures tonight that I never posted about having my Northshore rack stripped down and powder coated last year. I love the orange I picked!

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