I ended the day on a high note with some Tenkara action on the Uinta River with PD. It was a beautiful evening for it. Nice cool air and the water felt great on my feet while I was wading around. Had great luck here with a dry fly on the Mini Sawtooth Rod.

I hope around a lot on some days. The day started with a little boy that woke up at 4:00am and wouldn’t go back to sleep. Mom forced him to go out fishing with dad at 6:30am so she could go back to sleep. I had some work meetings scheduled for late morning and early afternoon so I couldn’t be gone too long. Maxwell and I went to Little Monte’s that morning. It is the closest place to our house.

We caught so many little bass there it kind of got a boring. Wasn’t much of a challenge.

After a little over an hour we were both done. He was falling asleep in the backpack and I had lost interest.

I dropped him off at home so he could finish his nap while I went out to try Midview. I think after that experience I’ve voted to never return to that place without my kayak. I have the worst luck there from the shore. Too much vegetation in the water near the shore. You get snagged on it almost every cast. Just not worth the battle from the shore. Please remind me I said this next time I go without the kayak!

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